
Well system inspection
Water tapped by a private well is often of the highest quality. When buying a home with a private well, your home inspection should include a well system check up to ensure the well is in good working order and the quality of the water produced meets health standards.

Prior to the inspection, you should obtain your well’s log or record, which contains information on the history of the well and the ground surrounding it. Contractors must file well logs with their respective states upon completion of all new wells. However, well owners should also own a copy in case the well needs to be serviced at any time.

Your well water inspection will include:

  • A flow test to determine system output and a check of the water level before and during pumping, pump motor performance (check amp load, grounding, and line voltage), pressure tank and pressure switch contact, and general water quality (odor, cloudiness, etc.).
  • An inspection of well equipment to assure that it is sanitary and meets local code requirements.
  • A test of your water for coliform bacteria and nitrates, iron, manganese, water hardness, sulfides and anything else of concern in your area that could pose problems with your plumbing, staining, water appearance, and odor.
  • A concise, clear, written report explaining results and recommendations for your well that include all laboratory and other test results.